Well a Sierpinski Triangle is a triangle mad up of 69 small triangles.
Waclaw Sierpinski!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can't you find this out!
The Sierpinski Triangle
The Sierpinski triangle is a fractal (named after Waclaw Sierpinski).The base state for this fractal is a single triangle. Pick one of the vertices on the triangle and define that vertex as "pointing up" (this helps when describing the fractal without pictures).Upon each iteration, take each triangle which is pointing up and inscribe an inverted triangle inside of it. The new triangle should have one vertex at the midpoint of each of the sides of the triangle it is in. This will effectively divide the original triangle into four equally sized triangles, three of which are oriented the same way as the original (they point up), and one of which is inverted (points down).See the related links section for a graphical view of this fractal, as well as detail about the math behind it.
Check all that apply.A.They can be constructed in only one way.x B.They have fractional dimension.x C.They are made of parts that are small copies of the whole.D.They require a total of four iterations to construct.x E.They are constructed by removing small triangles from a big triangle.
Well a Sierpinski Triangle is a triangle mad up of 69 small triangles.
Waclaw Sierpinski!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how can't you find this out!
do it
Sierpinski refers to Waclaw Sierpinski, a Polish mathematician who made significant contributions to topology, number theory, and set theory. He is particularly known for his work on the Sierpinski triangle and the Sierpinski sieve, which are named after him. He also made important contributions to the theory of functions and the theory of interpolation.
The Sierpinski Triangle
The Sierpinski triangle (also with the original orthography Sierpiński), also called the Sierpinski gasket or the Sierpinski Sieve, is a fractal and attractive fixed set named after the Polish mathematician Wacław Sierpiński who described it in 1915.
Yes. If you mark the odd numbers in Pascal's Triangle, it would form Sierpinski's Gasket.
Either the koch snowflake or the Sierpinski triangle
Sierpinski's Triangle Sierpinski's Carpet The Wheel of Theodorus Mandelbrot Julia Set Koch Snowflake ...Just to name a few(:
59,049 shaded triangles