999 is the greatest 3 digit number and it is odd because it ends with a 9.
It is 3823.
The three greatest whole numbers less than 200 that each have an odd number of factors are 144, 169 and 196.
The greatest odd number in THE tens place is 9.
How about 12 to begin with
There are an infinite amount of numbers, so there can be no "greatest" odd number.
No solution.If it's greater than 3400, then its hundreds place must be '4'.Then (4) times (its tens place) = 2. There is no integer that can go in the tens place and make this true.
0 is the ten's digit of the first odd number.
To create the largest odd number using the digits 3, 4, 5, and 6, we need to place the highest possible digit in the most significant place value. Since an odd number must end in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, we should place the digit 5 in the units place to ensure the number is odd. To maximize the remaining digits, we can place 6 in the hundreds place, 4 in the tens place, and 3 in the thousands place, resulting in the largest odd number 6543.
Odd: it is 99.
Odd The answer is 99