

What is the leading digit of 0.3152?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is the leading digit of 0.3152?
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When you are the left digit of a digit number what are you?

the leading digit

List of 4 digit combination using number 0 through 9?

Too many to list. Allowing leading zeros, there are 5040 such numbers. 4536 without leading zeros.

How many three digit numbers can be formed such that the sum of the digits is 6?

21 ways assuming no leading zeros, that is the smallest possible number with three digits is 100 Otherwise if leading zeros are allowed, it is 28 ways. For three digit numbers the first digit can be 1-6. Leaving the remaining two digits to be 6-value_of_first_digit. For first digit 6, the remain two digits sum to 0 which means they can only be 00, ie the number 600 - 1 number For first digit 5, the remain two digits sum to 1 which means they can be 01 or 10, ie the numbers 501, 510 - 2 numbers For first digit 4, the remain two digits sum to 2 which means they can be 02. 11, 20, ie the numbers 402, 411, 420 - 3 numbers etc It can be seen that the number of ways of making a two digit number (with leading zeros) sum to a number less than 10 is the required sum plus 1. So for the remaining first digits, the number of ways are: 3 -> 4 ways, 2 -> 5 ways, 1 -> 6 ways. Thus the total number of ways is 1 + 2 + .. + 6 = 21 If leading zeros are permitted, so that, for example, 060 (60) and 006 (6) are considered as three digits numbers, then there are a further 7 ways with a first digit of 0, making a total 28 ways.

The thousands digit of a 4-digit number is 4 greater than the hundreds digit The tens digit is 2 times the Thousands digit The ones digit is one-half the thousands digit What is the number?

4082 Since the tens digit is 2 times the thousand digit, it must be an even digit. So it can be 8, 6, 4, or 2. But, the thousands digit is 4 greater than the hundred digit. So that the hundred digit must be 0, the thousands digit must be 4, the hundreds digit must be 8, and the ones digit must be 2.

Where are the digits 0123456789 in pi?

0 - There are no 0s in pi 1 - 2nd digit 2 - 7th digit 3 - 1st digit 4 - 3rd digit 5 - 5th digit 6 - 8th digit 7 - 14th digit 8 - 12th digit 9 - 6th digit