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Q: What is the most reasonable interval for the data 25 50 70 75 100?
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How do you Choosing the most reasonable interval for the data?

choose 5, 10, 25, or 100 as the most reasonable interval for 201, 450, 550, 600, 799

Interval and ratio data examples?

Interval Data: Temperature, Dates (data that has has an arbitrary zero) Ratio Data: Height, Weight, Age, Length (data that has an absolute zero) Nominal Data: Male, Female, Race, Political Party (categorical data that cannot be ranked) Ordinal Data: Degree of Satisfaction at Restaurant (data that can be ranked)

Is 100 a reasonable estimate for 915.25 88.22?

No 100 is not a reasonable estimate

What is the mid value of a class interval called?


What is the suggested class interval for a frequency distribution if the data ranges from 100 to 220 with 50 observations?

It depends on how tightly clustered the observations are. The answer would be different if the observations were 100, 102, 104, 107, 110, ... as opposed to 100, 150, 150, 150, 150, ... , 150, 220!

How do you find The margin of error for the confidence interval is?

Generally speaking an x% confidence interval has a margin of error of (100-x)%.

What is the time interval that fish have been on earth?

about 100 years

Is it possible to have 100 percent confidence interval?

Yes. Simply make sure that the interval is greater than or equal to the range of the random variable.

How can 50 percent of the population have an IQ below 100 and the other half above 100 doesn't anyone have an IQ of 100 don't most since it is the average IQ?

It is misleading to say that 50% are above and 50% are below 100. The correct way to say it would be to say that 50% are at or below 100% and 50% are at or above 100. "Average" doesn't mean that number occurs most in the set of data. It means that is the middle of the set of data. Mode is the word that describes the number that occurs most in a set of data.

Is 100 reasonable estimate for 915.25 88.22?


What is the class mark of 90-110 group?


How would you write an interval of 100 years ending in 2011?
