Opposite numbers.
Absolute value
For two numbers to be equidistant from zero, one must be the negative of the other. As one is the negative of the other, it is the additive inverse of that number. The sum of an number and its additive inverse is zero.
Numbers the same distance from zero (linearly) have the same "absolute value" whether positive or negative.
i think they are called negative numbers.
the number from zero (the distance) is called incounting numbers
Opposite numbers.
Absolute value
That is called Absolute Value
Numbers that are greater than zero are positive numbers.
For two numbers to be equidistant from zero, one must be the negative of the other. As one is the negative of the other, it is the additive inverse of that number. The sum of an number and its additive inverse is zero.
The distance from zero.
Two numbers that are the same distance from zero on the number line but are on opposite sides of zero are opposite numbers, or opposites. The opposite of a number is called its additive inverse. The opposite of 78 is -78.
When it is not included in the natural numbers, it is referred to as 'the natural numbers with zero'.
numbers below zero are called negative numbers.
Numbers the same distance from zero (linearly) have the same "absolute value" whether positive or negative.
i think they are called negative numbers.