To find the number closest to 500 that is exactly divisible by 15, we need to find the largest multiple of 15 that is less than or equal to 500. To do this, we divide 500 by 15 to get 33 with a remainder of 5. Therefore, the closest number to 500 that is exactly divisible by 15 is 495 (15 x 33).
There are many numbers between 500 and 1000 divisible by 3 and 9. Any number divisible by 9 is divisible by 3. How about 900?
The greatest number between 450 and 500 that is divisible by six is 498.
There are 67 numbers between 100 and 500 divisible by 6. The first number greater than 100 divisible by 6: 100 ÷ 6 = 16 r 4 → first number divisible by 6 is 6 × 17 = 102 Last number less than 500 divisible by 6: 500 ÷ 6 = 83 r 2 → last number divisible by 6 is 6 × 83 = 498 → all multiples of 6 between 17 × 6 and 83 × 6 inclusive are the numbers between 100 and 500 that are divisible by 6. → there are 83 - 17 + 1 = 67 such numbers.
The number is 250.5 because it is exactly 249.5 from either 1 or 500.
There are (500-100)/2 = 200 numbers divisible by 2 between 100 and 500 counting 100 but not 500. Of these (500-100)/8 = 50 are divisible by 8. So there are 150 numbers between 100 and 500 divisible by two but not by 8. By relative primeness exactly 50 out of these 150 are divisible by 3 and therefore these 50 are exactly the ones divisible by 6 but not by 8.
There are many numbers between 500 and 1000 divisible by 3 and 9. Any number divisible by 9 is divisible by 3. How about 900?
The greatest number between 450 and 500 that is divisible by six is 498.
515 is closest to 500.
Any of its multiples including itself
500 is not a prime number. Other than 2, if a number is even, it is not prime since it is divisible by 2.
There are 67 numbers between 100 and 500 divisible by 6. The first number greater than 100 divisible by 6: 100 ÷ 6 = 16 r 4 → first number divisible by 6 is 6 × 17 = 102 Last number less than 500 divisible by 6: 500 ÷ 6 = 83 r 2 → last number divisible by 6 is 6 × 83 = 498 → all multiples of 6 between 17 × 6 and 83 × 6 inclusive are the numbers between 100 and 500 that are divisible by 6. → there are 83 - 17 + 1 = 67 such numbers.
Five hundred is divisible by 2. The answer would be 250. In fact, every number is divisible by each other, except any number divide 0.