It sounds like you are thinking of a protractor. We still use it a lot today, especially in architecture and design. The protractor is a semi-circular measuring instrument used for measuring angles.
ya ask. how old is you?
Honey, measuring the width of a triangle is as easy as measuring the distance between two of its sides. Just whip out your ruler or measuring tape, line it up perpendicular to the base, and boom, you've got your width. No need for fancy math or geometry tricks here, just good old-fashioned measuring.
1+1 ;)
Old math teachers never die they just reduce to lowest terms
it depends on what the confersation is like if it's math, you can say do you like math? and he will say his answer and then you say yours. and you can talk like that
From Old French guimbelet, the diminutive of guimble 'drill'A small T-shaped tool for boring holes.
The most common tool used to draw straight lines is the age old ruler. If you don't have a ruler you can also substitute it with any straight edge found nearby.
A czar (tsar or tzar) was the ruler of old Russia.
Tool is 13 years old.
Tool is 13 years old.
math is a really fun thing to do
A Russian ruler was called a Tsar or Czar, depending on your preferred spelling.
math is as old as the world starts even cavemen used math but diffrent than we do.
i think it was about 1,000 years old
he was 20