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If you roll two dice, every possible roll has a probability of 1/36. This is because there are six ways to get a number when you roll the first die, and for each of those numbers there are 6 ways to get a number with the second die. So there are 6x6=36 different combinations of the two die, and (since all are equally likely) the chance of getting any particular one is 1/36. Note that includes all combinations---like 5 for the first die and 1 for the second, and also 1 for the first die and 5 for the second. Which rolls have a difference of more than 2? 6,3; 3,6; 6,2; 2,6; 6,1; 1,6; 5,2; 2,5; 5,1; 1,5; 4,1; 1;4 That is 12 of the 36 possible combinations, so the probability is 12/36=1/3. One time in three you'll get a difference more than 2.

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