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Q: What is the sample whose characteristics are the same as those of the population it is intended to reflect?
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What is A sample whose characteristics are the same as those of the population it is intended to reflect is called?

A representative sample.

Which type of sample is selected to reflect the demographic characteristics of the population of interest?

Convenience sample

What does it mean for a sample to representative of a population?

That the key characteristics of the population are reflected in the sample.

A type of sample that is carefully constructed to reflect the major characteristics of of a particular universe called?

quota sample

If it has similar characteristics as the population the sample is termed?

It is called a representative sample.

What is a representative sample?

A sample that accurately reflects the characteristics of the population as a whole

A sample that does not reflect the population would result from?


What is difference between sample and representative sample?

A sample is any subset of the total population. A representative sample is one that is chosen so that its characteristics are similar to that of the population.

Why is it so important to have a representative sample?

If the sample is not representative of the population, then the characteristics of the sample are not the characteristics of the population. Example: If I want to estimate the percentage of the population that are men, and my sample is the school's football team, my estimate would be that 100% of the population is comprised of men. What went wrong with my survey ? Simple. The football team is not a representative sample of the population, at least not as regards gender.

What two things must be true for samples to be useful?

they must be correct and they must be the right kind of sample

What is post stratification?

Post stratification is a statistical technique used to improve the precision of estimates by adjusting sample weights based on known population characteristics. It involves dividing the sample into subgroups (strata) based on certain characteristics and then adjusting the weights of each subgroup to better reflect the overall population. This helps to reduce bias and improve the accuracy of estimates in survey sampling.

What makes a survey bias?

A survey is biased when the questions are framed in a way that influences respondents to answer in a certain way or when the sample population is not representative of the target population, leading to results that do not accurately reflect the true opinions or characteristics of the group being surveyed.