It's 2550
There is only one prime number which is even - that is 2 - and it also happens to be less than 100. All other prime numbers are odd.
No - although all positive even numbers other than 2 are composite, this does not mean that all composite numbers are even - the first odd composite number is 9, which is equal to 3 x 3.
even numbers 1-100
The even numbers up to 100 are: 2 468101214161820222426283032343638404244464850525456586062646668707274767880828486889092949698100.
The sum of the first 100 positive even numbers can be calculated using the formula for the sum of an arithmetic series: n*(first term + last term)/2. In this case, the first term is 2, the last term is 200, and n is 100. Therefore, the sum is 10,100.
Adding up all the even numbers from the first (2) to the fiftieth (100): [(100 + 2) / 2] x 50 = 2550 Can you see the logic of this method?
All numbers are used in all known languages, just spelt differntly, so no-one knows,sorry
The only even prime number (not only from 1 to 100, but in general) is 2. All other even numbers are multiples of 2, and therefore, by definition, not prime numbers.
It's 2550
The sum of the even numbers is (26 + 28 + ... + 100); The sum of the odd numbers is (25 + 27 + ... + 99) Their difference is: (26 + 28 + ... + 100) - (25 + 27 + ... + 99) = (26 - 25) + (28 - 27) + ... + (100 - 99) = 1 + 1 + ... + 1 There are (100 - 26) ÷ 2 + 1 = 38 terms above which are all 1; their sum is 38 x 1 = 38. So the difference of the sum of all even numbers and all odd numbers 25-100 is 38.
2 is the only even prime number
In 100 numbers you can select 50 all odd or 50 all even and there will be no consecutive pair. Picking another number must be of the opposite parity and so consecutive with one of your first 50.