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the coefficient

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Q: What is the term used for the number multiplied by the variable like the number 5 in the expression 5x?
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What is an expression that contains a variable a number and at least one operation?

That looks like the description of an EXPRESSION. However, an expression need not have "at least one operation"; a single number, or variable, is a perfectly valid expression.

Why replacing variable for a number in an expression or equation is called substituting?

Because you are substituting a number for a variable. Like substituting salt for sugar in a cake recipe. Although you really shouldn't do the latter.

When K equals 10 what is the value of this expression 3k?

k = 10 3k = 30 When a number appears next to a variable (like "k") it usually means multiply the number times the variable.

Do a variable expression consist only of numbers?

No, because numbers never vary. A variable expression must have something in it that can take on different values, usually a letter, like 'x' for example.

What does the word algebraic expression mean?

algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase that can contain ordinay numbers variable like (x,y)

What is m in 5m -3 -18?

It is a variable which, in the given expression, can have any value you like.

Write one numerical expression and one algebraic expressionThen explain what the difference between a numerical and algebraic expression is?

Numerical expression: 59-34*6 Algebraic expression: 5x-3x+2 A numerical expression is limited to only numbers and can always be simplified to one number. An algebraic expressuion uses terms, more specifically a variable like x, and a constant like 2.

What do you call a number in front of a variable?

Like the 7 in the expression 7x? If so that is called the coefficient.

What do all the symbols mean in pre algebra?

Which symbols are you referring to? Can you give specific examples? All letters (absdefg...) are variables which are used to represent an unknown number. The variables are like placeholders; the number exists, you just don't know what it is yet. > is the "Greater than" sign, which means the number/variable/expression on the left is "grater than" the number/variable/expression on the right. < is the "Less than" sign. See above. = is the "Equals" sign, which means the sides are equal.

A single element in an expression equation or inequality?

A single element in a mathematical equation is known as a variable. In algebra, a variable is usually a letter, like "X" or "Y," that is solved for.

What does in mean to simplify an algebraic expression by combining like terms?

If you have a expression that goes; 2x + 5x etc etc Simplifying the like terms is 7x 2x and 5x are like terms, but 2y and 2x are not. The variable needs to be the same.

Tariq said you can write an equation by setting an expression equal to itselfWould an equation like this be trueexplain?

Yes. Any number, or expression, is equal to itself. An equation such as:x + 5 = x + 5 is true for ANY value of "x".