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The true value of pi is equal to the circumference of a circle divided by it's diameter. This value can not be expressed numerically, because it's an irrational number. The first few digits however, are:


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Q: What is the true value of pi?
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Is pi terminating?

No, because the value of pi as in a circle .is an irrational number and its true value as yet has never been finally determined

What are some famous mathematical problems pi?

If the value of pi is the circumference of any circle divided by its diameter then what is the true exact value of pi? Why is it that the exact area of a circle can never be found?

When was pi invented or discovered?

Pi is the value of a circle's circumference divided by its diameter and its true value has never been discovered because it is an irrational number

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Pi is the value of a circle's circumference divided by its diameter and its true value has never been found because it's an irrational number

What value is closest to the area of a circle with a 3-inch raduis explain?

There can be no "closest" value. The area is pi*r^2 Using pi = 3.14 gives the area as 28.26 sq inch Using pi = 3.14159265358979 (Excel default), gives the area as 28.2743338823081 sq inches which will be closer to the true area. The value of pi has been calculated to over 10 trillion digits and each additional digit in the value of pi gives a value for the area which is closer to the true value. . And, the value of pi can be calculated to still greater accuracy which would give a closer answer.

What is pi hat in statistics?

Consider a distribution with an unknown parameter pi. If the true value of pi is not known but has been estimated, then the estimated value is usually denoted by pi-hat. This is to distinguish between a known parameter and an estimated one.

Who were the firtst people known to find a value for pi?

No one because the true value of pi can never be found because it is an irrational number that can't be expressed as a fraction.

What are all of pi numbers?

The true value of Pi has never been found because it is an irrational number which can't be expressed as a fraction.

What is true about pi?

It's a never-ending decimal. The fractional value is 22/7 - but the decimal value is unending.

Who discuvered pi?

The true value of pi has never been discovered because it's an irrational number whose decimal places are infinite.

How can you calculate the exact value of pi?

22 divided by 7 * * * * * That is an APPROXIMATE value of pi. The exact value cannot be calculated since pi is a transcendental number - a special kind of irrational number. It has an infinite decimal representation with no recurring pattern. That would be true in any base - binary, octal, or another base (other than pi itself, or a power of pi).

What is the value of pi by 2?

The value of Pi is 3.14 so the value of Pi by 2 is 6.28.