The longest known value of pi is now into the hundreds of billions of digits.
solving for pi... as far as we know now, it is infinate.
The name of the one who invented pi is hypotenuse. LOL! No-one "invented" the ratio known as pi, but establishing its original discoverer is another matter. As for "Hypotenuse" - "he" is the name for the longest side of a right-angled triangle. It was never anyone's name.
Multiply the known diameter by the value of PI - and you'll have your answer !
pi became 3.14 from a long division problem that is probably the longest number in the world.
No one has ever found the exact value of pi because it is an irrational number that can't be expressed as a fraction and its value has been calculated to more than two trillion digits yet still not found exactly.
the founder of the longest pi is...
pi is currently at 4 million digits
Yes, you could if you knew the exact value for pi as well as the diameter of the circle. Multiply the diameter by the exact value for pi to get the circumference. However, it is impossible because the exact value for pi is not known. It is only known to about a trillion decimal places, but the exact value is not known.
Consider a distribution with an unknown parameter pi. If the true value of pi is not known but has been estimated, then the estimated value is usually denoted by pi-hat. This is to distinguish between a known parameter and an estimated one.
In ancient times the value of Pi was given as 3 but even today the exact value of Pi is not known because it is an irrational number.
In ancient times the value of Pi was given as 3 but even today the exact value of Pi is not known because it is an irrational number.
In ancient times the value of Pi was given as 3 but even today the exact value of Pi is not known because it is an irrational number.
People from ancient civilizations knew about the value of pi but as it was then as it is now the exact value of pi has never been conclusively found because it is an irrational number.
actually, pi is a non-terminating decimal, which means it goes on forever. but the longest i can find is 31 decimal places long. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795The current record for the decimal expression of pi is 5 trillion digits.See related link below for reference
Since ancient times it was known that when a circle's circumference is divided by its diameter the quotient is pi which is an irrational number and its exact value has never been finally determined.