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Usually hours.

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Q: What is the unit in which time is measured by sundial?
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Unit of measuring time?

It should be measured in sec.

What is the unit of measurement used when measuring time?

Time is measured in seconds.

What did George Washington use to tell the time?

He used a portable sundial.

Could you use a sundial to measure the time it takes to boil an egg?

Yes, but it would be difficult, as the markings on a sundial must firstly be measured very accurately (the markings are not evenly spaced) and tend not to show particularly low figures. However, theoretically, it would be possible - just find an accurate enough sundial.

When work is measured in joules and time is measured in seconds power is measured in what unit?

Power is measured in watts when work is measured in joules and time is measured in seconds.

What is the name of the arm of a sundial?

The raised arm of a sundial that indicates the time of day by its shadow is the gnomon (NO-mon). A sundial has but one arm, what do you mean by secondary arm?

What unit is movement measured in?

Movement is typically measured in distance units such as meters, feet, or kilometers. In the context of physics, movement can also be measured in terms of velocity (distance traveled per unit of time) or acceleration (change in velocity per unit of time).

The one thing that is measured in the same unit in all measurement systems?

Time - it is measured in seconds.

What is the si unit for measring time?

It is measured in seconds (s).

Which kind of time does a sundial keep?

Not surprisingly, a sundial keeps solar time (and only while the sun is out...)

What name is given to a pointer on a sundial?

The pointer on a sundial is called a gnomon. It casts a shadow on the sundial face to indicate the time.

What is unit for speed if the time is measured in hours and the distance is measured in miles?

You can use ANY unit of speed - but the logical unit of speed in this case would be the one you obtain by dividing the specific unit of length by the specific unit of time, so in this case, miles per hour.