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Q: What is the volume of 9 inches diameter x 2 inches deep?
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What is the volume of a hole 2 foot deep by 9 inches in diameter?

In cubic inches it is: pi*4.5*4.5*24 = 486*pi or about 1527 rounded

How does the volume of a sphere with a diameter of 2 inches compare with a sphere with a diameter of 1 inch?

A 2-inch diameter sphere has a volume of 4.189 cubic inchesA 1-inch diameter sphere has a volume of 0.5236 cubic inches.

What is the volume of a cone that is 2 inches in diameter and 5 inches tall?

Volume = 5.23599 in3

What holds more a circle pan with a 8 diameter its 2 in deep or a square pan its 2 in deep?

Assuming the dimensions of the square pan is 8 by 8 by 2, the volume is: 8 x 8 x 2 = 128 cubic inches Volume of circle pan is: pi × r2 × h where pi is 3.14, r is half the diameter or 4 inches and h = 2 3.14 x 4 x 4 x 2 = 100.48 cubic inches

What is the volume of a right circular cone whose height is 9 inches and whose base has a diameter of 2 inches?

A right circular cone whose slant height is 9 inches and whose base has a diameter of 2 inches will have a volume of 36.757 cubic inches.

What is the volume of a cylinder with diameter 20 in and height 2 in?

The volume is 628.32 cubic inches.

a cone with diameter of 16 inches and a height of 16 inches. what is the volume?

1 3 πr 2 h

What is the volume of water in a circle two meters diameter by half meter deep?

Volume = pi * radius^2 * height

The volume of a cylindrical can is 15.7in cubed.The diameter is 2 inches. find the height?


What type of garden pest would dig a hole 2 inches in diameter The hole is about 12 inches deep?

a Mole

What is the volume of a cylinder with a diameter of 6in and height of 5in?

A cylinder with a radius of 3 (6/2) inches and a height of 5 inches has a volume of 141.37 inches3.

How many gallons of water to fill container 60 inches in diameter and 12 inches deep?

Volume = (pi) R2 L = (pi) (30)2 (12) = 10,800 pi = 33,929.2 cubic inches = 146.88 gallons (rounded)