2 fifths is equivalent to 0.4, which is closer to 0 than it is to 0.5 (1 half) or 1. To determine this, you can think of the number line where 0 is closer to 0.4 than 0.5, making 0 the closest whole number.
4/5ths is smaller than 1 but bigger than 1/2.
The vinculum is placed on top of the repeating number after the decimal. For example, 1/3 would be written out as .333333 or .3 with the vinculum above the three.
The number on the written line is different then the number line.
next to one and three
a half. 2/5 = 4/10, 1/2 = 5/10, 3/5 = 6/10
2 fifths is equivalent to 0.4, which is closer to 0 than it is to 0.5 (1 half) or 1. To determine this, you can think of the number line where 0 is closer to 0.4 than 0.5, making 0 the closest whole number.
A simple definition is that the absolute value of a number is how many places away from zero it is on a number line. Say you have the number three. The number three is three places away from zero on a number line. Say you have the number negative three. That number is also three spots away from zero on the number line. That is why there is no such thing as negative absolute values.
4/5ths is smaller than 1 but bigger than 1/2.
The vinculum is placed on top of the repeating number after the decimal. For example, 1/3 would be written out as .333333 or .3 with the vinculum above the three.
The number on the written line is different then the number line.
If I understand the question, and if I am not mistaken, three or any number number of planes can intersect in one line.
Three tenths would go be side the number three
The number 1000 was simply M.Roman numerals did not have any symbol occurring consecutively more than three (or sometimes four) times. A number such as 110 000 would be written as the symbol CX (the Roman numeral for 110) with a horizontal line over the top. The horizontal line indicates the number is multiplied by ten thousand.The remainder of the number would be written as 100 is normally written: C
next to one and three
well, a line consists of an infinite number of points the three important points on a line are start (the origin of the line) end (the end of the line) midpoint (halfway across the line)