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6/n + 2

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Q: What is two more than the quotient of six and a number?
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The quotient of a number and six?

The quotient of a number and six

What is three more than the quotient of six and a number N written as an algebraic expression?

3+ 6/n

What is two more than the quotient of six and a number n written as an algebraic expression?

6/n +2

What is 6 more than the quotient of 9?

You need two numbers to have a quotient. It's either something and nine or nine and something. The quotient of 18 and 9 is 2. Six more than that is 8.

How do you write the quotient of twice a number and six is four less than three times the same number?

the quotient of twice a number and six is.... 2x/6 four less than three times the same number is .... 3x-4 So the equation would be 2x/6=3x-4

How would you write this as an algebraic equation the quotient of a number with three is six less than twice the number?


How do you write the quotient of a number and six?

It is n/6.

What is six more than the cube of a number?

If ' N ' is the number, then six more than the cube of the number is (N3 + 6).

What does six more than the number mean is math term?

Six more than the number means "the number" + 6.

What is the quotient of six times a number and seven?


What is the number called that is multiplied by a different number?

The word you are probably looking for is 'factor'. The result of multiplying two or more factors is called the quotient. Example: 2 x 3 = 6 Two and three are factors of the quotient six.

What is eight less than the quotient of a number and six is -14?

n/6 - 8 = -14 n/6 = -6 n = -36