i dont now this answer
The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero (0) on a ... When addressed with this you must treat the absolute value brackets as you would ... Your last step once you have a single number inside the absolute value ... value, the distance is the same if you switch the order of the two numbers.
Numbers the same distance from zero (linearly) have the same "absolute value" whether positive or negative.
Yes, 78.5 is greater than 78.50. When comparing two numbers, the decimal point and any additional zeros after the last significant digit do not affect the value of the number. In this case, 78.5 has one decimal place and 78.50 has two decimal places, but they represent the same value of 78.5.
If you are talking about same numbers but different signs then there are a lot. such a l-4l = l4l because they are the same amount of space to the zero.
If the two numbers are the same value, then that is the median.
i dont now this answer
If two numbers have the same absolute value, and the two numbers are not the same number, then the two numbers are negatives of each other. Or you could say that they have the same magnitude, but opposite signs. Example: |-5| = |5| = 5
They are differentone is positive, one is negative
The value of the answer is the sum of the absolute values of the numbers and the sign of the answer is the same as that of the two numbers.
Equivalent ratios.
The only two numbers that represent a binary digit are 0 and 1
No, they cannot.
The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero (0) on a ... When addressed with this you must treat the absolute value brackets as you would ... Your last step once you have a single number inside the absolute value ... value, the distance is the same if you switch the order of the two numbers.
this is integers. the answer is do your homework by yourself..