If the two numbers are the same value, then that is the median.
The value of the answer is the sum of the absolute values of the numbers and the sign of the answer is the same as that of the two numbers.
Its absolute value. E.g. the real numbers negative two (-2) and positive two (2) have the same absolute value (2).
The sum of any two numbers has the same sign as the number with the greater absolute value.
I have an old 5£ note with two different serial numbers on the same side. What is its value?
If two numbers have the same absolute value, and the two numbers are not the same number, then the two numbers are negatives of each other. Or you could say that they have the same magnitude, but opposite signs. Example: |-5| = |5| = 5
What are a subject-verb agreement?
the same nimber will apear The minus sign reverses the order of numbers. So, if a > b then -a < -b. Given two negative numbers, the one whose absolute value is smaller, is the bugger of the two. [Absolute value is the value of the number IGNORING the sign.]
Numbers the same distance from zero (linearly) have the same "absolute value" whether positive or negative.
If you are talking about same numbers but different signs then there are a lot. such a l-4l = l4l because they are the same amount of space to the zero.
Other than for the value 0, there are always two numbers that have the same absolute value: the number and the negative of the number, eg 2 and -2 both have the absolute value 2. There is no negative 0, so there is only the number 0 which has the absolute value 0.
Equivalent numbers.
Two numbers have a GCF. Two sets of two numbers may have the same GCF.
Its impossible if they are both absolute value with different signs. If they have different signs one would be absolute value and one would be negative value.
Never. The sum of two negative numbers is a negative number with a value less than either of them, e.g. (-1) + (-2) = (-3) Adding two negative numbers is the same as adding their positive absolute values, and expressing the sum as a negative. If the two negative numbers are the same, and you subtract one from the other, the result is 0. e.g. (-2) - (-2) is the same as (-2) + 2 , which equals 0.
Their product.
For example, 5 is the "inverse" of -5. And -7 is the "inverse" for 7.