Binary bits are necessary to represent 748 different numbers in the sense that binary bits are represented in digital wave form. Binary bits also have an exponent of one.
111 The three ones represent (4)+(2)+(1).
1. represent every individual digit of given hexadecimal in binary form like this 4---------> 0100 8---------> 1000 7---------> 0111 2. combine the individual binary digits in order to get the binary of given hexadecimal number 487 ------------> 0100 1000 0111 ( required binary number )
3 in binary is 11
The binary number 10000000 represents the decimal 128
There are many different systems of using numbers to represent letters. Binary is commonly used.
Binary bits are necessary to represent 748 different numbers in the sense that binary bits are represented in digital wave form. Binary bits also have an exponent of one.
Binary code is a base 2 number system, with only the digits 0 and 1. It is used to represent the on/off states of transistors in integrated circuits, with 0 representing off and 1 representing on. So, binary codes represent the possible states of hardware transistors, and the binary codes represent numbers and letters through a coding system like ASCII or EBCDIC.
111 The three ones represent (4)+(2)+(1).
The only two numbers that represent a binary digit are 0 and 1
It depends which integer! The website in the related link should help. It was really useful for me ! .
Looks like Binary, which is basically your computer using 1's and 0's to represent letters and numbers. The first string you have there 1011010 is the binary representation for the letter Z... the second one, looks like it has an extra character in there so it could be any number of letters.
it is itself in a binary form :) but if its in decimal form.. then its binary equivalent will be..(10011100011011) if it is in binry form.. its equivalent will be..(19)
they can't