The word percent means "per one hundred." For example, 5% would be 5 divided by 100, or 5/100.
"Per centum" is the Latin term from which we derive the English word "percent" (somtimes rendered "per cent"). It literally means "of (or, out of) one hundred".
Percent means "per hundred" or divided by one hundred. 32% can be represented as 32/100. 32/100 can be simplified to 16/50 or 8/25.
One hundred and twenty is 240 per cent of 50.
To find the percentage equivalent of the decimal 0.108, you would multiply the decimal times one hundred (percent means literally "per hundred"). ) 0.108 times 100= 10.8%
"Percent" means "per one hundred". So, 67% means 67 per hundred, or 67/100.
1% of 100 is 1. Percent means per one hundred.
Parts per hundred (pph) describes a measurement as a fraction of one hundred, while parts per hundredths (pph) describes a measurement as a fraction of one hundredth. For example, 50 parts per hundred means there are 50 units for every 100 units, while 25 parts per hundredths means there are 25 units for every 1000 units.
75 per cent = 75/100. Per cent means "out of one hundred".
It is a proportion. It means 21 out of every 100 (or per one hundred)
"per cent" means "in a hundred"...
First, some definitions . . . "Per" means 'for' or 'for every'. "Cent" comes from 'centum' which means one hundred. So . . . per cent means 'for every hundred'. 50 percent means 50 for every hundred, or 50/100. This can be simplified to 1/2 (or one-half) by dividing the numerator and the denominator by 50.
percent means per one hundred and per means divided by So, 0.00959 as a percent is the same as 0.00959 per one hundred which is the same as 0.00959 divided by 100 which is the same as (0.00959/100) which is the same as 0.0000959 Therefore, 0.00959 written as a percent is 0.0000959
per cent means per 100, and we are looking at one hundred, it must be 10.
The term "per-cent" means "out of each 100" (Latin root cent- means one hundred).
Percent means"per hundred"
The word percent means "per one hundred." For example, 5% would be 5 divided by 100, or 5/100.