I'll just give you all the big numbers:US & Scientific Community Other Countries:(3) thousand(6) million(9) billion(12) trillion(15)quadrillionStarting with:(18) quintillion(21) sextillion(24) septillion(27) octillionThere is more but you don't want me to go on forever, do you?...(30) nonillion(33) decillion(36) undecillion(39) duodecillion(42) tredecillion(45) quattuordecillion(48) quindecillion(51) sexdecillion(54) septendecillion(57) octodecillion(60) novemdecillion(63) vigintillion(66-120) undecillion - vigintillion(303) centillion(600) centillion
On some calculators there is an "NCR" button. Pressing the amount of total objects (in this case people), pressing "NCR", then pressing the amount of objects to be randomly taken would give us the total amount of combinations. In this case, 10 NCR 5= 252.........this isnt the right answer it is 28
According to Pappus of Alexandria, Archimedes' work on levers caused him to remark: "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth." Plutarch describes how Archimedes designed block-and-tackle pulley systems, allowing sailors to use the principle of leverage to lift objects that would otherwise have been too heavy to move.
Not possible
I am raj .and plz give me phone namber
5 filipino chemist
The chemist synthesized a new compound in the laboratory.
The chemist analyzed the compound to determine its chemical composition.
a chemist studies familiar & unfamiliar chemicals, elements. Chemist try to find advanced information about chemicals &try to prove it. They give this to peoples.
give me reply
erwin james michael aaron
Objects that don't give out light are called "non-luminous objects." These objects reflect light that falls on them, making them visible to our eyes.
Garbage collection in java is nothing but the process of freeing up unused memory from the JVM memory heap. Every time an object is created, it is allocated some space in the memory. Once the use for that object is over, that memory space needs to be released so that it can be used by other objects. In Java, this process is automated and the JVM takes care of doing this. Once in a while, a program that performs this garbage collection runs and frees up memory for other objects to use. All objects whose references are no longer used are cleared.
Any chemist will give the advice you need.
Like a day, give or take a couple hours