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Q: What number does the pefix kilo- represent?
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What is the pefix for 1000 in the metric system?


Why does k represent the number 1000?

I believe in latin "kilo" means 1000, k is short for kilo.

What does the pefix in mean?


The metric denoting 1000X is?

Kilo. It is used to represent multiplication by 1000 in the metric system, where 1 kilo is equal to 1000 units.

What number is 1000 k?

k is used to represent 1000, from the latin "kilo". However, it is also used to represent 1024 ( = 210) in information technology. So, depending on the context, the answer is 1,000,000 or 1,024,000

What do kilo mega milli prefixes represent?

kilo = 1,000 mega = 1,000,000 milli = 0.001 (or 1/1000)

How much is a meter covert into a kilometer?

You divide the number of meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.You divide the number of meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.You divide the number of meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.You divide the number of meters by 1000. The prefix "kilo" means 1000.

What is j in algebra?

it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number it can represent any number

What is the prefix for banana?

There is actually no pefix for banana, sorry.

What number does the capital K represent?

Capital K = kelvin, a unit of temperature 0 K = absolute zero = -273 degrees Celsius Lower-case k = kilo, a prefix meaning 1000 k = kilo = 1000 kilometer = 1000 meters kilogram = 1000 grams kilobyte = 1000 bytes etc....

What does a kilometer represent?

A kilometer is a unit of length, equal to 1000 meters. In general, the prefix "kilo" means "thousand".

How is -900mV expressed in volts?

A: Milli kilo represent a multiplier 900 mv is equivalent to 0.9 volts or 0.0009 kilo volts the value remain the same just the decimal move 3 places