Five times more than ninety means multiplying 90 by 5, which equals 450. So, the number that is five times more than ninety is 450.
500 - 395 = 105
Five (5) more than (+) three times a number (3x) is (=) five times the number (5x) less (-) three (3) 5 + 3x = 5x - 3 x = 4
Five more than three times a number can be represented as 3x + 5, where x is the unknown number. This expression simplifies to 3 times the number plus 5. For example, if the number is 2, then 3 times 2 is 6, and adding 5 gives you 11.
500 - 395 = 105
ten more than five times a number
Five (5) more than (+) three times a number (3x) is (=) five times the number (5x) less (-) three (3) 5 + 3x = 5x - 3 x = 4
You calcualtor maulfuncionedor,your math was wrong
Let's name the first number "X" and the other number "Y" thus: 2X+5Y is the same thing as twice a number more than five times another
if D is the number of dogs then5D is five times the number of dogs,and 5D + 3 is three more than five times the number of dogs
The algebraic expression for "five more than three times some number" is 3x + 5, where x represents the unknown number.
This is kind of ambiguous.The number that is 5 times 19 is 19*5 = 95But the number that is 5 times MORE can be taken to mean 19 add 95 = 114
the number is xso the answer would be4x+5=17