No, that will indicate the percentage the smaller number is of the larger number.
0.19 is the larger number
2 has a larger value than 0.8.
0.004 is larger.
The larger number is 12.
The phone number of the Sustainable Food Center is: 512-236-0074.
The ISBN of Currant Events is 0-7653-0407-4.
The address of the Morton Arboretum is: 4100 Illinois Rt 53, Lisle, IL 60532-1288
No, that will indicate the percentage the smaller number is of the larger number.
Multiply them by a number larger than its reciprocal.Multiply them by a number larger than its reciprocal.Multiply them by a number larger than its reciprocal.Multiply them by a number larger than its reciprocal.
0.19 is the larger number
0.5 is the larger number.
1.2 is larger than 0.5.
All you have to do is move the decimal point over 2 to the left. Then the percent of 4.07 is .0407%. You're welcome!