1080 is divisible by all of those numbers...1080 divided by 2 = 5401080 divided by 3 = 3601080 divided by 5 = 2161080 divided by 6 = 1801080 divided by 9 = 1201080 divided by 10 = 108
All numbers are divisible by all numbers... They may turn out like decimals and imaginary numbers, but they can be divided. Now, whether 3 can be evenly divided into 6008 is a different question. And that answer would be no.
if you take the sum of the numbers, so 3+5+7+9=24 (2+4=6) you get a number that can be divided by 3, for some reason that always happens to numbers that can be divided by 3. So 3579 can be divided by 3. 3579/3=1193
Any multiple of 6.
3, which can be divided by the odd numbers 1 and 3.
10 divided by 3 and 1/3 = 3
Numbers can't be divided by multiples. They get divided by factors. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.
Well, honey, 753 can be divided by 1, 3, 11, 23, 33, 69, 253, and of course, 753 itself. But hey, if you're looking for a more exciting answer, I suggest dividing it by the number of times I've rolled my eyes today - which is a whole lot!
3 will go into both of these numbers
103 + 7 + 3
3 and 13
all of the numbers in the 15 times tables and 3 and 5
All the multiples of 3 from 3 to 99
1080 is divisible by all of those numbers...1080 divided by 2 = 5401080 divided by 3 = 3601080 divided by 5 = 2161080 divided by 6 = 1801080 divided by 9 = 1201080 divided by 10 = 108