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1 undecillion and one,

1 undecillion and two,

1 undecillion and three,


Or do you mean in terms of the next power of a million (on the long scale) or thousand (on the long scale or plus one on the short scale)?

  • Long scale, as used in countries like Europe: continues:
undecillion = (106)11 = 1066

1069 = 103 x (106)11 = undecilliard

1072 = (106)12 = duodecillion

1075 = 103 x (106)12 = duodecilliard

1078 = (106)13 = tredecillion

1081 = 103 x (106)13 = tredecilliard


  • Short scale as used in countries like USA, continues:
undecillion = (103)11+1 = 1036

1039 = (103)12+1 = duodecillion

1042 = (103)13+1 = tredecillion


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What are the numbers after a decillion?

After decillion, we have undecillion. After that, we have duodecillion. There are many large to list! See the list of numbers, which include some numbers after decillion at the link:

How many zeroes are in an undecillion?

The number undecillion is written 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 1 followed by 36 zeroes.

What is after decillion?


What is after a decillion?

Undecillion 1DECx1000

What is 1 decillion multiplied by 1 thousand?

1 decillion multiplied by 1 thousand= 1 undecillion 1 decillion multiplied by 1 million= 1 duodecillion Many more are listed in the Wikipedia article "Names of Large Numbers."

What comes after a decillion?

hi don't know what comes after dectillion

What number is 2000000000000000000000000000000000000?

2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 is two undecillion, or two sextillion in old British notation.

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100 Undecillion

What are the numbers that come after a trillion?

The names for larger numbers, based on the "short scale" where each value is a multiple of 1000:1,000 X 1 thousand = 1 million (106)1,000 X 1 million = 1 billion (109)1,000 X 1 billion = 1 trillion (1012)1,000 X 1 trillion = 1 quadrillion (1015)1,000 X 1 quadrillion = 1 quintillion (1018)1,000 X 1 quintillion = 1 sextillion (1021)1,000 X 1 sextillion = 1 septillion (1024)1,000 X 1 septillion = 1 octillion (1027)1,000 X 1 octillion = 1 nonillion (1030)1,000 X 1 nonillion = 1 decillion (1033)1,000 X 1 decillion = 1 undecillion (1036)1,000 X 1 undecillion = 1 duodecillion (1039)Other very large numbers are:One googol = 10100One googolplex = 10googolOne googolplexian = 10googolplexEven larger numbers exist. One is called "Graham's Number", which is so large that it could never be written out using ordinary number notations.

What is this number 20000000000000000000000000000000000000?

20 undecillion

What is1000000000000000000000000000000000000 in words?

One undecillion.

What are the numbers that come after an unodecillion?

after undecillion, there is :duodecillion 1, 39 zeros tredecillion 1, 42 zeros quattuordecillion 1, 45 zeros quindecillion 1, 48 zeros sexdecillion 1, 51 zeros septendecillion 1, 54 zeros octodecillion 1, 57 zeros novemdecillion 1, 60 zeros vigintillion 1, 63 zeros googol 1, 100 zeros centillion 1, 303 zeros googolplex 1, 10googol zeros source: