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-positive trend is massive ports and trading developed on the coast

-negative trend that emerged in the Northern colonies during the 1700s that affects the United States today was the slavery that took place

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Q: What positive and negative trends in the northern colonies during the 1700s still affect the usa?
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What is the sign of the product of 11 negative integers and 2 positive integers?

The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.

How choices affect us?

Some choices may result as a positive affect. Some chices may result as a negative affect. It all depends on the choices we make. But remember no one can make us to do anything. We all have choices! Hope this helps :)

How does the value of a variable affect the direction the parabola opens?

If the value of the variable is negative then the parabola opens downwards and when the value of variable is positive the parabola opens upward.

How many jobs use negative numbers?

Business and finance: Examples are profit (positive) or loss(negative). Net Cash flow (amount of money coming in less amount going out) can be positive or negative. This is not the same as profit/loss. For example, you buy a piece of equipment for your business and finance it. Your payments on the loan affect cash flow, but the interest on the loan and the depreciation of the equipment affect profit/loss. In your personal finance, you can have a net negative cash flow. If you have some savings, and say one year you are laid off for a while and have to draw from savings. Or say you are saving up to buy a car. While you are saving, your net cash flow is positive, then when you buy the car, your cash flow could be negative, for that year. In investing, many investments (mutual funds in particular) will express a Rate of return as a percentage. This number could be either positive (the investment increased in value), or negative (the investment decreased in value).

How does a change in one quantity affect the change in other quantities?

Feedback in general is the process in which changing one quantity changes a second quantity, and the change in the second quantity in turn changes the first.Positive feedback amplifies the change in the first quantity while negative feedback reduces it.....

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What positive and negative trends that emerged in the northern colonies during the 1700s do you think still affect the US today?

Positive: massive ports, trading, finance, enterprise, and economic development Negative: slavery, and prejudice

What positive and negative trends that emerged in the Northern colonies during the 1700's do you think still affect the US today?

One negative trend that emerged in the Northern colonies during the 1700s was slavery. Although it has been abolished, there are still racist attitudes that exist today.

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How do the signs of two integers affect their products and quotients?

If one of them is a negative then the answer is a negative but if there both negative or positive then the answer will be positive

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The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.The 2 positive integers don't affect the sign. Every time you multiply by a negative number, the sign changes, so you have negative, positive, negative, positive... Since the number of negative numbers is odd, the end result is negative.

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