The "3" in "3,259" represents "3,000".
The number 8 represents 8,000
It is the digit of 0 that represents the hundreds place value.
Well, isn't that just a big, beautiful number! Each zero in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 represents a place value of a different magnitude. Starting from the right, the first zero represents ones, the second represents tens, the third hundreds, and so on, all the way up to trillions. Each zero holds a special place in creating this magnificent number.
The quantity of 6 refers to the numerical value of the number 6. In other words, it represents the amount or value that the number 6 represents.
The "3" in "3,259" represents "3,000".
Yes, a value can represent a quantity or amount.
The number 8 represents 8,000
It is the digit of 0 that represents the hundreds place value.
The digit 3 in the number 4.438 represents the value of three hundredths.
In the number 627,384 it represents 20,000
It is the square of the original number. If the original number represents a length, then the square of the original number represents an area of a square with side equal to the original number.
In the first number, 3 represents 3 thousandths. In the second number, 3 represents 3 ones. In the third number, 3 represents 3 hundreds. In the fourth number, 3 represents 3 hundredths.
10 (that is, one zero, not ten).
It represents 70,000 = seventy thousand