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If the shape has 3 angles in all, where two of the angles are acute, then the shape is a scalene triangle.

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Q: What shape has two acute angles and no line s of symmetry what is the shape called?
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It is a trapezoid and its other 2 angles are obtuse and acute

What shape has no symmetry line and acute angle?

A scalene triangle would fit the given description if it has 3 different acute angles that add up to 180 degrees.

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56678 Shape is called a rhombus

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What is a shape with only acute angles?

The only polygon with just acute angles is an acute angled triangle.

What shape has four acute angles?

Any shape with 4 acute angles must have more than 4 sides. Any shape with more than 4 sides can have 4 acute angles (but doesn't have to).

Which shape has 3 acute angles?

An acute angled triangle

What shapes contain only acute angles?

A triangle is the only shape that can have only acute angles inside it.

Shape with two acute angles and four equal sides?

A rhombus is a shape having two acute angles and four equal sides.

What shape can contain no acute angles?

A square has no acute angles. Acute angles are defined as having less than 90 degrees. A square has four 90 degree angles.