It is a parallelogramIf one of the angles is a right angle (then they all are) and the quadrilateral is a rectangle.If both pairs of sides are equal in length (but none of the angles is a right angle) the quadrilateral is a rhombus.If the sides are equal and one of the angles is a right angle, the quadrilateral is a square.
Four SIdes
A shape with three sides is called a triangle: 3 equal sides = equilateral 2 sides same length = isosceles 1 right angle = right-angled triangle
It is nearly the shape of a square but one side is sloping and I think it is called a trapezoid
a 3 sided shape is a right angle triangle
equilateral triangle
There is no special name for such a shape.
There is no special name for such a shape.
a rectangle
A right angle triangle
it is a somehow slanted triangle.
It could be a kite, an arrowhead or an irregular quadrilateral with a right angle - which has no specific name.
An equilateral quadrilateral is not a well defined shape - it could be a rhombus with one angle able to take ANY value. In the same way, an equilateral dodecagon is not a well defined shape and so it is impossible to give a sensible answer to the question.
It can be an irregular quadrilateral, or a kite or arrowhead.
No... a quadrilateral is a figure of 4 sides. Trapzoid, square, diamond.... get the picture? A right angle is an angle. It is formed by two lines intersecting. They don't even necessarily make a shape.
A Square and Rectangle are both a Quadrilaterals(A four sided shape)and have both have 4 Right Angles.In addition,a irregular Quadrilateral(A four sided shape of no sides of the same length)may have a right angle( A 90 degrees angle)but it depends on how you draw it on paper.Cretth 2010
A four-sided shape with one right angle is a quadrilateral. There is no more specific term, unless it has more than one right angle or has equal sides.