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There is no standard procedure for identifying outliers (it varies according to how thorough the statistical analysis has to be). Typically, you find 1.5*range of the data. Now use this number and add it to the Q1, lower quartile, and also minus it from the Q3, the upper quartile. Now, any data that does not fall between these two numbers is considered to be an "outlier".

Obvioulsy minusing 1.5*range from Q3 can leave you with a negative number, which if you're analyisng real data (such as people or time) will never end up negative. (i.e can't have -2 people, or -10 kg weight etc...). In this case you can assume the lower boundary to be zero.

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Q: What should you do when you identify outliers in any set of data?
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Mostly through statistics, or summaries of the data set (depending on the type of data). There are many different statistical methods used to analyze the many different types of data that come from research studies or experiments. However if you just want a relatively quick and simplistic overview of a set of data than you should follow SOCS: Shape, Outliers, Center, Spread. Shape (the shape of the graphed data points) Outliers (any data points that fall outside the realm of "normal") Center (where the data points are mostly centered around) and Spread (the range of the data points). This should give you some immediate conclusions from your data.

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There is no agreed definition of outliers. However two common criteria to identify outliers are: Method I: If Q1 is the lower quartile and Q3 the upper quartile then any number smaller than Q1 - 1.5*(Q3 - Q1) or larger than Q3 + 1.5*(Q3 - Q1) is an outlier. By that criterion there is no outlier. Method II: Assume the numbers are normally distributed. then outliers are with absolute z-scores greater than 1.96. Again, there are no outliers.

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