You flip the sign when you divide each side by a negative number.
Example: -5x>20
Divide each side by -5 to isolate x. When you divide by -5, you flip the sign.
First of all, the question should be asked like: What does the greater and less than sign look like? Greater Than Sign - > Less Than Sign - < Equal To Sign - = Your Welcome!
An inequality must have a greater than sign (>) OR a less than sign (<) OR a greater than or equal to sign (≥) OR a less than or equal to sign (≤).
greater than is > and less than is <
If the two sides of the equation are unequal, you need the greater than or the less than sign instead of the equal sign. If the left side is less, use the less than sign. Otherwise, use the greater than sign.
Greater than >Less than written on top of =.
I suspect you mean the signs < and > meaning "less than" or "greater than". (There is no flip of the inequality sign, which is an equals sign with a line through it). You have to flip when you multiply a "greater or less than" eqequation if you multiply the equatiob through by -1. Example: you have 2>1, and -2<-1.
You have to flip the inequality sign. If it is less than(<) it has to become greater than(>). If it is greater than(>), it has to become less than(<). If it is less than equal to(<=), it has to become greater than equal to(>=). If it is greater than equal to(>=)., it must become less than equal to(<=).
Less than sign is < Greater than sign is >
The greater than sign is ">" and the less than sign is "<"
the less than sign is > the greater than sign is <
> is the sign for greater than.< is the sign for less than.
First of all, the question should be asked like: What does the greater and less than sign look like? Greater Than Sign - > Less Than Sign - < Equal To Sign - = Your Welcome!
An inequality must have a greater than sign (>) OR a less than sign (<) OR a greater than or equal to sign (≥) OR a less than or equal to sign (≤).
greater than is > and less than is <
If the two sides of the equation are unequal, you need the greater than or the less than sign instead of the equal sign. If the left side is less, use the less than sign. Otherwise, use the greater than sign.
Yes you do, you also flip the inequality sign if you multiply by a negative # The > and < signs are strictly the "Greater than" and "Less than" signs. The inequality sign is an = with a / stroke through it. If you divide an inequality by -1 it remains an inequality.
Less than.