FIVE ... Notice the IV in the middle of five ... IV = 4 in roman numerals and 2 letters(IV) is half of four letters(FIVE).
Four point five, or four and a half
Five>iv=4 half of five is iv or taking 2 letter away. IV is 4 in romen numerals
Answer One half is the same as four eighths, so five eighths is one eighth more.
One half = three sixth, so the answer is two sixth.
9 and 9/10
I'll bite: False. Four is four-fifths of five.
Five minutes after.
Four point five Four and a half Four and five tenths
Four point five, or four and a half
Expressed in lowest terms, four and a half divided by five and three sixths = 9/11
Four and one half
"What is four and a half plus three and five sixths": Eight and one third (8 1/3)
Five dollars.
It is 1500/2 = 750