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Five>iv=4 half of five is iv or taking 2 letter away. IV is 4 in romen numerals

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Q: Can you show how one half of five is four?
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Problem solver in math. Show how one half of five is four?

1/2 of 5 = 2.5

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Answer One half is the same as four eighths, so five eighths is one eighth more.

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"What is four and a half plus three and five sixths": Eight and one third (8 1/3)

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It is four 8ths which is also one half.

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One half = three sixth, so the answer is two sixth.

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Five eighths.

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five and a half=5.5 four fifths=.8 since one divided by five is .2 and four .2's (4x.2)=.8 5.5x.8=4.4, or four and 2 fifths four and two fifths is the answer.

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Two fourths and four eighths are the same as one half.

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