Of course not ! Draw the letter ' X ' on a piece of paper. Then look at
the two edges of the floor in your room that meet at the same corner.
Intersecting lines.
parallel lines ( I think)
Not necessarily. They could be skew lines, and satisfy these conditions.
"Parallel" refers to the relationship between two lines, not to a single line. Two lines are said to be parallel, or one line is parallel TO ANOTHER, if they are in the same plane, and are always at the same distance from each other, that is, as you move along one line, the distance to the other line is always the same - they don't cross, or get away from one another.
Parallel lines-lines in the same plane with the same slope.
parallel lines
parallel lines
Two lines of a plane are said to be parallel if they do not intersect and the perpendicular distance betweem them is always same.
Parallel lines would always lie in the same plane. They would need to be skew lines.
Lines in the same plane that do not intersect Lines in the same plane that do not intersect Lines in the same plane that do not intersect Lines in the same plane that do not intersect
They are parallel lines
Lines in the same plane that are not parallel are intersecting lines.
If the 2 lines lie in the same plane, and they are not parallel, then they will intersect at some point. If the 2 lines are skew lines, then they are not in the same plane, and they will not intersect (but they are Not Parallel)
Intersecting lines are those that lie in the same plane and cross each other at some point. Unless they are parallel, lines in the same plane always cross.
Two lines that do not intersect on the same plane are Parallel lines.