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I have the answer. You just need to re-word your question. Look up "Ghostscape 2 where the 8 skulls located Wiki?" Trust me, and don't click on the same one twice. My name is Cerberus.

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Q: Where are the 8 skulls in ghostscape 2?
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In Ghostscape 2, the obsidian blade can be found in the attic of the haunted house. Look for a hidden compartment near the window where you can retrieve the obsidian blade.

How to find skulls in Halo 2?

Search for Halo 2 skulls on and there will be a selection of videos showing the wereabouts of the skulls or how to get them : )

Should little kids play ghostscape?

I would think NOT. It appears to be a scary game, and ghostscape 2 has a somewhat gruesome picture just for the IMAGE!If you're talking about the idiots who play GTA, maybe not, but otherwise...NO.NO.NO.

Where are all of the keys in ghostscape?

up my butt

How do you get past ghostscape 2?

you get all the things the old man wants return to him take his pic he then disappears that is how it ends

How do you access the skulls you have collected On Halo 2?

You do not keep the skulls in Halo 2 they are a one level sort of thing.

What are the gold skulls for in Tomb Raider last revelation?

in tomb raider 4 level 1 there is 8 gold skulls get 8/8 to go to the left at the garden of the three towerws get lower to go to the right

Where to find all 8 skulls in ghostscape 2?

One skull lies under a pile of dirt at the first shed you see.Two more are at the viewpoint under piles of dirt.4. 5. About three of them can be found inside the tents at the campsite, and there might be one under a dirt pile.One more under a pile of dirt, or in the open if memory is right, at the caverns out back. no skulls are in the house.The next is under a pile of dirt at the tools shed, but the dirt is hard to see. the dirt pile should be where the shed corners off towards the toilet, if you understand my meaning.I have forgotten where the last one is, but I think it is under a pile of dirt, or in the open.

How do you get Halo 2 skulls?

The skulls are hidden all over the map. To get them all you have to do is find them and pick them up.

Why do emo people like skulls?

Emo ppl like skulls because 1: skulls represent death and anger and those are the two most important things to emo ppl and 2: skulls are AWESOME!!!!!!!=p

How many mythic skulls are there?

There are 6 total skulls in halo 3, the ones for Mythic 1 and Mythic 2