It was at the Computer Centre at the University of Tokyo. Of course, their record has now been smashed. In October 2011, pi was calculated to almost 200 times as many digits: 10 trillion (and 50).
find the diagonal method of two digit number and three digit number
ask in the bank
first you look at the first number tell what that number is then you just find the first digit.
fingers and toes
find the diagonal method of two digit number and three digit number
You can find your four digit code by looking at the last four digits of your sixteen digit code.
Ans: 462
You are missing a digit. Find it.
The last digit is always the estimated digit in a number
ask in the bank
first you look at the first number tell what that number is then you just find the first digit.
One can easily find the units digit by looking for a pattern. For numbers with large powers, they will have a pattern that keeps repeating like a cycle. Depending on the multiple of the power, the pattern can be compared to find the units digit.
The units digit of a two digit number exceeds twice the tens digit by 1. Find the number if the sum of its digits is 10.
Assume the decimal starts recurring immediately after the decimal point. (If the recurring string starts after k digits, then you want to find the (2001-k)th digit instead.) Find the length of the recurring string = L Find the remainder when 2001 is divided by L = R The 2001st digit is the Rth digit in the recurring string.
fingers and toes