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Around the north pole in the (northern hemisphere) summer.

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Q: Where does the sun shine for 24 hours a day?
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Is it fact that the sun will shine 36 hours on17th Oct2010?

No, it is not a fact that the sun will shine for 36 hours on the 17th of October 2010. The amount of sunlight a particular location receives in a day is determined by the Earth's rotation and the time of year, and it is not possible for the sun to shine for 36 continuous hours in a single day.

How many hours in one day on the sun?

24 hours

Why earth has night and day?

Earth has day and nights because the sun can only shine on one part of the Earth at a time, resulting in one half of the Earth in darkness, and one half of the Earth with light. The days and nights last only 12 hours because the Earth rotates around the sun once every 24 hours. Half of the time, the sun will shine an a particular spot on the Earth, the other half of the time, the sun will not shine causing darkness.

How long does the sun shine on a clear day?

Between 0 and 24 hours per day. That depends on where you are and when you do your measurement. Far enough north of the polar circle there are weeks when the Sun never "sets" during the summer and when it never "rises" during the winter.At the equator on the equinox the theoretical sunshine duration is 12 hours.

Are there exactly 24 hours in a day?

Yes. EDIT: Actually a day is 4 minutes short of 24 hours - which is why the sun rises and sets at different times throughout the year !

What causes day night?

The earth turns.It turns completely around every 24 hours.Everybody on the earth turns along with the earth.When the line from the sun to you goes through the earth, the sun cannot shine on you, and you are in 'night'.When the line from the sun to you doesn't go through the earth, the sun can shine on you, and you are in 'day'.

Why is a day on earth is 24 hours?

24 hours is the amount of time it takes for the earth to spin in a circle. it takes 24 hours for the sun to get to the same spot.

How long the sun shines on a clear day?

Between 0 and 24 hours per day. That depends on where you are and when you do your measurement. Far enough north of the polar circle there are weeks when the Sun never "sets" during the summer and when it never "rises" during the winter.At the equator on the equinox the theoretical sunshine duration is 12 hours.

What does earth do as it spin on its axis?

It rotates and it takes 24 hours to do so; that's why one day is 24 hours.

How does how many hours there are in a day calculate using the lines of longitude and the sun?


How many hours are in a day at the North pole?

A day is still 24 hours. The sun may not rise or set during that period.

Why does Antarctica has 24 hours a day in June and a night in December?

Your question is more about sunrise and sunset. Every day every where on earth lasts 24 hours. In June, the sun does not rise, and in December the sun does not set -- generally, during each 24-hour period.