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Q: Which equation shows how you can find the number of minutes in one year?
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You solve the equation.

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Use the equation that shows the relationship between ohms and the properties that are known.

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Yes, the total ionic equation shows all the ions involved in the reaction, including the spectator ions. To find the net ionic equation, you can remove the spectator ions from the total ionic equation to emphasize the ions that participate in the actual chemical change.

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16. To find the number of hours created by a group of minutes, you have to divide the number of minutes by 60. To find number of minutes in a group of hours you have to multiply the number of hours by 60.

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An hour is 60 minutes. Multiply the number of hours by 60 to find the number of minutes. To get from minutes to hours, divide the number of minutes by 60.

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You need the height as well to find the area, but the proper equation would be A= 5.5h

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