

Best Answer

Just use the basic equation for speed: distance = speed x time.

Don't worry about the speed limit and the stop lights. You don't need them,

they don't help, and they're not involved in deriving the answer. Among

higher mathematicians, items like these are referred to as "red herrings".

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Q: Which equation will solve this problemDarren can be at work in 30 minutes The speed limit is 35 mph with three stop lights Therefore due to traffic he can only average 30 mph How far is he from work?
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Simple Equation Speed = Distance / Time as you want it in a speed distance per minute, the time in this equation is in minutes. it will result in a unit of miles per minute. 70 divided by 80 = 0.875 so the average speed is 0.875 Miles per Minute

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Time is relative. Therefore, if you take 20 minutes to walk 200 yards then 20 minutes is a long time. However, relative to an average lifetime, 20 minutes is a very short amount of time.

What equation do you use for Darren can be at work in 30 minutes. The speed limit is 35 mph with three stop lights. Therefore due to traffic he can only average 30 mph. How far is he from work?

Distance = Speed*Time = 30 mph * 1/2 hour = 15 miles.

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Let's translate the sentence into an equation: How many minutes are in two hours? Let x represents the number of minutes we are looking for, then: x (in minutes) = 2 hours Now we need to convert hours into minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, in 2 hours there are 2 * 60 = 120 minutes. So: x = 120 minutes.

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20 minutes is average.

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There are 60 minutes in an hour. Therefore, there would be 2 hours and two minutes in 122 minutes.

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There are 60 minutes in an hour. Therefore, there would be 1 hour and 40 minutes in 100 minutes.

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There are 60 minutes in one hour. Therefore, 900 minutes is equal to 900 / 60 = 15 hours.

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1 hour = 60 minutes therefore 24 hours 1,440 minutes.

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First convert the hours bit into minutes. There are 60 minutes in an hour. Therefore we multiply by 60 and this gives: 5x60 = 300. Next you add on the 14 minutes: 300+14 = 314 Therefore 5 hours and 14 minutes is equal to 314 minutes.