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arithmetic machine

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Q: Which is the first electronic calculating machine?
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Calculation formula for calculating machine hours?

lathe machine hour

What is a caculator?

an expert at calculation (or at operating calculating machines)a small machine that is used for mathematical calculations

What mathematician made the first calculator?

Blaise Pascal is often credited with invented the first calculator type machine around 1641. For more info see the following website: Although a slide rule which is a more primative type of calculating machine was invented by a guy named W. Oughtred in 1632.

What is the mathematical formulae for calculating a trifecta dividend?

The mathematical formula for calculating a trifecta dividend is trifecta equals the first three getters multiplied together.

How is math used in a salon?

* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts* Payroll* Calculating percentage on sales * taxes * Interests * Billing purposes * Calculating financial capital * Calculating floating accounts

Related questions

Who built the first electronic calculating machine?

John V Atnasol

What first computer was made by?

ENIAC , the first Electronic computer was made by some programmers in the U.S Army, if you are talking about the first calculating machine then it was built by Charles Babbage

Who was the first person top invent the first electronic calculator?

Modern electronic calculators are small, digital, and usually inexpensive devices to perform the basic operations of arithmetic. Before we had calculators we had slide rules. In 1632, the circular and rectangular sliderule was invented by W. Oughtred. In 1885, Burroughs filed his first patent for a calculating machine. However, his 1892 patent was for an improved calculating machine with an added printer. William Seward Burroughs invented the first practical adding and listing machine.

What year did William Seward Burroughs invent first calculating machine?

he filed the patent for his first calculating machine in 1885 then improved one in in 1892

For what reason was the first computer made computer made?

The first which built by Charles Babbage used as calculating machine rather than a computer machine, but the first electronic computer which made by the U.S Army was built to be used in some kind of military business.

Who invented a calculating machine?

The very first calculating "machine" was human hands and fingers. The abacus was next in about 300 BC.

What is the name given to the first gear-driven calculating machine?


What was the first electronic counting machine?


In which state was the electronic voting machine first introduced in India?

Electronic voting machines were first introduced in Kerala.

What were the first calculating machines?

Possibly the abacus, a board with wood rods, and wood beads on the rods. It is thousands of years old. The first electronic computer, I think, was Univac. It used vacuum tubes instead of solid state devices to do its computing.

Who was the inventor of the calculating machine?

The first inventor of the calculating machine was Blaise Pascal.

When was the first electronic computer built and why?

The first electronic digital computer built was the ABC (Atannasof Berry Computer), from 1937 to 1942. It was a special purpose machine designed for the sole purpose of solving systems of simultaneous equations having up to 29 variables. It was one of the first calculating devices to use binary number representation (50 bit words). It was the first calculating machine to use dynamic memory requiring refresh (capacitors), to separate arithmetic circuits from memory circuits, and to do array/vector processing (30 word arrays/vectors processed in parallel). It was a little bit bigger than an office desk.