

Best Answer

Blaise Pascal is often credited with invented the first calculator type machine around 1641. For more info see the following website: Although a slide rule which is a more primative type of calculating machine was invented by a guy named W. Oughtred in 1632.

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Q: What mathematician made the first calculator?
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What mathematician made the first calculator and where was the first calculator made?

Blaise Pascal

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1623: German Mathematician Wilhelm Schickard developed the first mechanical calculator

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French Physicist, Mathematician and Philosopher Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical calculator.

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abacus Casio made the first graphing calculator in 1985.

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he discovered geometry and constructed a calculator

Who was the calculator made for?

made for everyone and first it was made for math teachers and sciences

Did Sumerian's first invent the calculator?

no The first calculator goes back to north Africa in the form of the Abacus and it was a counting frame. many variations followed. the one the modern versions are more varied upon is from Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher and mathematician born in 1623.

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How did george boole contribute to the field of math?

George Boole was a mathematician, logician, and philosopher. He is credited with being the founder of digital electronics which led to the development of the first calculator.

When did the computer was first made?

That was a computer called ENIAC,but first machine was a calculator.

How much did the first calculator cost?

The first calculator ever made cost about $2500, compared to the $12 it costs now. i hope this helps you!

What country did calculators get invented?

The first calculator was made in Hawaii