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Q: Which philosopy can be reduced to The greatest happiness for the greatest number?
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What does the greatest happiness for the greatest number of citizens mean?

The greatest happiness for the greatest number of citizens is the core philosophy of utilitarianism. It is also known as the Greatest Happiness Principle.

The greatest happiness for the greatest number was a goal of?

The utilitarianism* movement.

The greatest happiness of the greatest number was a goal of?

The utilitarianism* movement.

Who said ''the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people''?

Jeremy Bentham

The greatest happiness for the greater number?

Utilitarianism is a universal teleological system. It calls for the greatest good for the greatest number.

What group preached that the greatest happiness for the greatest number?

the Utilitarians they said - something is morally right when the maximum amount of happiness is produced for the greatest amount of people

Who believed the goal of society was to bring about the greatest happiness for the greatest number?

Jeremy Bentham

The greatest happiness for the greatest number?

This phrase refers to the ethical principle of utilitarianism, which suggests that actions or decisions should aim to produce the greatest amount of happiness for the largest number of people. It emphasizes the importance of maximizing overall well-being and minimizing suffering in society as a whole.

The idea that the goal of society should be the greatest happiness for the greatest number of its citizens was a philosophy held by whom?


What is Utilitarianism best described as?

Actions that cause the greatest happiness of the greatest number should be the guiding principle of human conduct.

What is the philosophy of Jeremy bentham?

Legislation should promote the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people and produce harmony between the interests of society as a whole and those of the private individual pursuing his/her own happiness.

What is benthams' philosophy with regard to ethics?

Whatever action contributes to the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people affected is the right action to take.