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Every time you flip a coin it has a 50% chance of heads and a 50% chance of tails. Flipping a coin multiple times does not change that. Therefore the answer is 50%

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Q: While flipping a coin 100 times John gets 44 heads and 56 tails Enter the theoretical probability of getting a tail while flipping a perfectly balanced coin?
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What is the theoretical probability of flipping a coin 60 times?

Theoretical is 50% Heads, 50% tails: 30-Heads, 30-Tails (theoretical)

How do theoretical probability and experimental probability relate?

Take for example, flipping a coin. Theoretically, if I flip it, there is a 50% chance that I flip a head and a a 50% chance that I flip a tail. That would lead us to believe that out of 100 flips, there should theoretically be 50 heads and 50 tails. But if you actually try this out, this may not be the case. What you actually get, say 46 heads and 54 tails, is the experimental probability. Thus, experimental probability differs from theoretical probability by the actual results. Where theoretical probability cannot change, experimental probability can.

What would the theoretical probability be of flipping a coin four times?

Anyone can flip a coin four times so I say 100 percent probability. On the other maybe you should ask the odds of the results from four flips.

What is the probability of rolling a 3 and flipping a head?

probability of rolling a 3 = 1/6 probability of flipping a head = 1/2 therefore, overall = 1/12

If you alternate between flipping a coin and rolling a die what is the probability of rolling a 2 before flipping a heads?

The probability of rolling a 2 on a die before flipping a heads on a coin is 1 in 12. The probability of rolling a 2 is 1 in 6. The probability of flipping heads is 1 in 2. Since these are sequentially unrelated events, you simply multiply the probabilities together.

What is the probability of flipping heads on the coin?

The probability of flipping Heads on a coin is 1 - a certainty - if the coin is flipped often enough. On a single toss of a fair coin the probability is 1/2.

What is the probability of flipping heads?


How do you find experimetal probability?

Experimental probability is calculated by taking the data produced from a performed experiment and calculating probability from that data. An example would be flipping a coin. The theoretical probability of landing on heads is 50%, .5 or 1/2, as is the theoretical probability of landing on tails. If during an experiment, however, a coin is flipped 100 times and lands on heads 60 times and tails 40 times, the experimental probability for this experiment for landing on heads is 60%, .6 or 6/10. The experimental probability of landing on tails would be 40%, .4, or 6/10.

What is the probability of flipping a quarter and getting heads and rolling a die and getting a 6?

The probability of flipping a quarter and getting heads is 1 in 2. the probability of rolling a die and getting 6 is 1 in 6.

What is the probability of getting exactly 2 heads by flipping 3 coins?

The probability is 0.375

What is the probability of flipping three tails when three coins are flipped?

The probability of flipping three tails with three coins is (1 in 2)3 or 1 in 8 or 0.125.

What is the probability of flipping 4 coins and getting 3 tails?

If they are fair coins, the probability is 0.25