The probability of flipping Heads on a coin is 1 - a certainty - if the coin is flipped often enough.
On a single toss of a fair coin the probability is 1/2.
The probability of flipping a coin 3 times and getting 3 heads is 1/2
If it is a fir coin, the probability is (1/2)10 = 1/1024.
i got 1/941192
p(heads)= 0.5 p(heads)^4= 0.0625
Theoretical is 50% Heads, 50% tails: 30-Heads, 30-Tails (theoretical)
The probability of flipping a coin 3 times and getting 3 heads is 1/2
The probability of rolling a 2 on a die before flipping a heads on a coin is 1 in 12. The probability of rolling a 2 is 1 in 6. The probability of flipping heads is 1 in 2. Since these are sequentially unrelated events, you simply multiply the probabilities together.
There are 8 permutations of flipping a coin 3 times, or of flipping 3 coins one time. They are, with the permutations of two heads bolded...TTTTTHTHTTHHHTTHTHHHTHHH... thus, the probability of flipping a coin 3 times and getting 2 heads is 3 in 8, or 0.375.
The probability of this is 50%. 2/4
As a coin has two sides, the odds are always 50-50.
The probability is 25%. The probability of flipping a coin once and getting heads is 50%. In your example, you get heads twice -- over the course of 2 flips. So there are two 50% probabilities that you need to combine to get the probability for getting two heads in two flips. So turn 50% into a decimal --> 0.5 Multiply the two 50% probabilities together --> 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25. Therefore, 0.25 or 25% is the probability of flipping a coin twice and getting heads both times.
If it is a fir coin, the probability is (1/2)10 = 1/1024.
i got 1/941192
p(heads)= 0.5 p(heads)^4= 0.0625
The answer is 1/2 , assuming the coin is fair.