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It depends on what type of fraction it is. If the fractions are improper fractions, the product will be greater than the two fractions multiplied together. (Ex: 3/2 x 5/4 = 15/6 or 5/2. 5/2 is greater than 3/2.) If the fractions both have 1 as a numerator, the product is smaller. (Ex: 1/3 x 1/6 = 1/18. 1/18 is less than 1/3.) Any other fractions, it would depend on what fractions you're multiplying. Remember, you are multiplying the numerator by the other numerator and the denominator by the other denominator. (Answer Product of numerators/Product of denominators)

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Q: Who do fractions get smaller when you multiply them by another fraction?
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How can you tell if two fractions are equivalent?

Two fractions are equivalent if the fully simplified fractions are equal. If you can multiply the fraction with the smaller numerator and denominator by the same value to equal the second fraction. For example the fractions 3/4 and 9/12. The nominator and denominator, 3 and 4 have both been multiplied by 3 to equal 9/12. Cross multiply. If the products are equal, the fractions are equal. Cross multiplying means to multiply each numerator of one fraction with the denominator of the other fraction.

When you multiply two fractions does the number get greater or less than the two fractions multiplied?

if you mean multiplying something by a fraction where the numerator is smaller than the denominator then yes.

How do you compare fractions that have the same denominator?

The smaller fraction has the smaller numerator.

Why do numbers get smaller when multiplied by a decimal?

It's because decimals are really fractions and all numbers get smaller when you multiply them by fractions.

What is fraction in which the numerator is smaller than the denominator is called?

These fractions are called proper fractions.

Which fraction is smaller?

It might be helpful to give the fractions that are to be compared!

How can you tell which fractions is greater if both fractions have the same numerator?

Then the fraction with the smaller denominator is larger.

How do you know if a fraction is smaller?

If one fraction is negative and one is positive, you automatically know that the negative fraction is smaller. If both fractions are positive and have the same denominator, the one with the smallest numerator is smaller. If both fractions are negative and have the same denominator, the one with the larger numerator is smaller. If fractions have different denominators, convert the fractions to the same denominator to find which one is smaller. For example: 2/5 and 1/3 2/5 = 6/15 1/3 = 5/15 1/3 is smaller than 2/5. If the above fractions were negative, -6/15 is less than -5/15.

Why do numbers get smaller when multiplied by fractions less than 1?

If you multiply by 1 they stay the same. If you multiply by more than 1 they increase. Fractions less than 1 are less than unity so the products decrease because you are only taking a fraction of the number.

Why is the product of two positive proper fractions always less than either fraction?

because when you multiply the denominators it creates a much smaller proportion. for example multiply 0.5 by 0.5, the result is 0.25 in fractions it is 1/2 x 1/2, the result 1/4

What is the difference between dissimilar fraction and proper fraction?

A proper fraction is one fraction in which the numerator is smaller than the denominator. Dissimilar fractions are two or more fractions whose denominators are different (dissimilar).

When you are dividing two fractions how come your answer is bigger than 1?

The answer is always bigger than one only if the fraction you are dividing by is smaller than the fraction you are dividing into. Any number divided by a smaller number is bigger than 1. To divide fractions you invert he demominator and multiply: 1/2 divided by 1/4 = 1/2 times 4 = 2