If two of the prime factors are 2 and 5, the last digit of the number will be zero.
if you have a number with a five as the last digit you round up.
You know when to overestimate when the last number is over five then you round it up. Under is the last number below five you round down.
Margaret Thatcher was the Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Composite because since the last digit is a five, it can be divided by five.
We don't have a president in Britain. Instead we have a Prime Minister, who is the leader of the Government voted into power at the last General Election.
Conservative Prime Minister Winston Churchill was the leader of Great Britain in the last coalition in the United Kingdom. He led the nation during most of the Second World War.
Elections are held every five years in the country of Antigua and Barbuda. The office for the Prime Minister is up for reelection. The last election for Prime Minister was in 2009.
Last prime of the 20th Century was 1999. Last prime of the 21st Century will be 2099.
to be divisible by 5 the last digit of the number has to be 0 or 5
No, there is no last prime number. They go on forever.
the last invaders of britain were the normens under william of normendy
There has never been a Prime Minister of England. England is a part of, but not the same as, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, often abbreviated as UK. The UK Prime Minister (May 2012) is David Cameron.
Andrew Fisher, Labor Prime Minister of Australia, at the outbreak of the First World War, declared, "Australians will stand beside our own to help and defend Britain to our last man and our last shilling." Division over support of the war and conscription would later lead to a split in the ALP, after Fisher was succeeded by William "Billy" Hughes.