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325 square inches

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Q: Why A rectangle is 25 in. long and 13 in. wide. What is the area of the rectangle?
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A rectangle is twice as long as its wide.If its length is 3 cm longer and 2 cm wider and its area increases by 97 cm with these dimensions what were the original dimensions of the rectangle?

A rectangle has deminsions of 13 cm long and 78 cm wide.What is the area of the rectangle? A rectangle has deminsions of 13 cm long and 78 cm wide.What is the area of the rectangle?

A rectangle that is 21 inches long and 13 inches wide find the perimeter?

add 21 and 13 and double the answer!

How do you get square footage of a room when room is 14 feet 13 wide?

To get the area of a rectangle, you multiply length x width.

What is the area and perimeter of a rectangle that is 8km long and 5km wide?

Perimeter = 2*(L + W) = 2*(8 + 5) = 2*13 = 26 km Area = L * W = 8 * 5 = 40 km2

What is the area of a rectangle that is 3 feet by 13 feet?

Area of a rectangle = length X height = 3*13 = 39 square feet.

How long is a rectangle 4 feet wide with a perimiter of 34?

If the perimeter is 34 feet, and two of the sides are 4 ft. each (a total of 8 feet), then the other two sides are a total of 26 feet (34-8), or 13 feet each. So the rectangle is 13 feet long and 4 feet wide.

How do you draw a 47 sq cm?

Any shape with such an area will do, for example: Draw a rectangle 1 cm wide and 47 cm long; Draw a rectangle 4.7 cm wide and 10 cm long; Draw an L shape with side lengths (going clockwise from the top) 1 cm, 19 cm, 13 cm, 2 cm, 14 cm, 21 cm.

What is the area of a rectangle with a width of 12 feet and a height of 13 feet?

156 feet is the area of a rectangle with a width of 12 feet and a height of 13 feet.

How do you find the area of a rectangle with the diagonal of 13 and a width of 5?

if a rectangle has width of 5 and diagonal with lenght of 13, what is the area of the rectangle? Use Pythagoras' theorem to find the length of the rectangle which will be 12 5*12 = 60 square units

How wide is a 13 x 12 room?

It is either 12 wide and 13 long or 13 wide and 12 long.

What is the area of a rectangle with the length of 13 inches in width of 6 inches?

The area of rectangle is : 78.0

What is the area of I 13mi w 8mi-?

104 square miles is the area of a rectangle measuring 13 by 8 miles.