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Charles Babbage (1791 - 1871) is generally called father of computers. There are several other people who came later who also share tiles like that, including Alan Turing, John Atanasoff, John von Neumann, Konrad Zuse.

John von Neumann invented the concept of a stored program. Prior to this invention, computers were strictly data-flow machines, and programming was effected by rewiring of the machine.

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Q: Why John von Neumann is called father of modern computer?
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Father of modern computer?

John von Neumann

Who was called as father of computer?

Alan Turing is considered by many to be the "father" of the modern computer because of his work in breaking the Enigma codes during WW2. (Alan Turing - The Enigma of Intelligence by Andrew Hodges 1983)

Who is called the father of computing?

Alan Turing has been called the father of Computer Science.* The epithet "father of the modern computer" has been applied to various people, including Charles Babbage, John Atanasoff, John von Neumann, Konrad Zuse, among many others, to the point that the phrase has become meaningless. * Computer Science is to computers what Astronomy is to telescopes.

Who was the father of modern computers?

There are many candidates and they all have their advocates. Among the leading contenders for the (practically meaningless) title, Charles Babbage, Konrad Zuse, John Atanasoff and John von Neumann. "Success has many fathers; failure is an orphan." Alan Turing is generally recognized as "the father of computer science", which some people confuse with "the father of modern computers". Computer science is to computers as astronomy is to telescopes. Alan Turing. John von Neumann Charles Babbage is the father of modern day computers. Charles Babbage

Who is called the father of conputer - Charles babage?

he is the father of modern days computer

Who is the consider father of modern digital computer?

Alan Turing has been called the "father of Computer Science", having laid part of the theoretical foundations of the discipline. The epithet "father of the computer" has been variously applied to Charles Babbage, Konrad Zuse, John Atanasoff, John von Neumann, and others, to the point that the phrase no longer has any significance.

Why is John von Neumann known as the father of the stored program computer?

Computer programs were originally considered to be an integral part of the machine while the data it operated on was separate. In 1945, John von Neumann proposed a new architecture such that the program and its data could be stored together on a mass storage medium (such as a hard disk drive), to be loaded into working memory (such as RAM), as and when it was required. This is the basis of all modern computers, thus John von Neumann is now regarded as being the father of the stored program computer.

Is von neumann machine a real machine?

A von neumann machine is a digital computer that incorporates serial counters and stored programs that were proposed by von Neumann and his colleagues in 1946. It was the basic design of a modern or classical computer.

The father of modern computer?

Alan Turing is considered to be the father of the modern computer. He was a mathematician and is the creator of the Turing machine which was the precursor to modern computers.

Who is father of modern computer?

He is generally considered to be Charles Babbage who invented a mechanical computer called the Difference Engine. Another school of thought suggests John von Neumann as he proposed the theoretical functions of modern computers.The correct choice depends whether you are looking at practical inventions or theoretical work. Both these people have been very important to the development of computer systems as we know them.(Original answer replaced due to misspelling).

What impact does the von Neumann bottleneck have on the performance of modern computer systems?

The von Neumann bottleneck refers to the limitation in processing speed caused by the separation of memory and processing units in a computer system. This bottleneck can slow down the performance of modern computer systems by creating delays in data transfer between the memory and processing units, leading to decreased efficiency and overall speed of operations.

Who is know as the father of modern computer?
